Starting September 12th at 6 PM.

Essential Christian Doctrine

Truth is under attack and is perhaps being stretched and twisted today more than ever. Does truth matter? Is there absolute truth? In John 8:31-32 we read, 31 So Jesus said to the Jews who had believed him, “If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, 32 and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” Jesus also said, “Sanctify them in the truth; your word is truth” in John 17:17 and that “I am the way, and the truth, and the life” in John 14:6. God’s word tells us that truth matters, and we can know the truth. Would you like to know the truth? Would you like to have more knowledge of God? Doctrine not only equips us with knowledge about God---it shapes our affections toward him and our actions for him. Join us as we explore Essential Christian Doctrines!

Facilitated by Pastor Mendle Baker. Room # 204.

Slaying The Giants In Your Life

Are you ready to stand against the giants that seek to terrorize todays Believers? This First Calvary Life Study will take you on a Biblical journey of the who’s who of the Bible’s truth warriors as they encounter fear, guilt, resentment, discouragement, loneliness, failure, worry, anger, temptation, procrastination. jealousy and doubt. In their victories you will find hope and faith in God’s promises. You will find courage and valor as you face even the most intimidating Goliath’s of your life. Don’t live another minute in frustration and defeat, join us in this exciting course and learn how to “Slay the Giant’s in your life!”

Facilitated by Pastor Steve Hendricks Room # 202


    Foundations of the Faith

We are bombarded in today’s culture by secular ideas about origins that exclude God.  It is more important than ever to know the truth and to have a Christian worldview. Such a worldview begins with foundational belief in the authority of God’s word.  This First Calvary Life Study based on Genesis 1-11 looks at what the Bible says about creation, the fall of man, the global flood of Noah, and the confusion of languages resulting in the dispersion of man. We will tackle some tough questions head-on, such as:  Is there evidence for God?  Did God really create everything in six days?  What is wrong with the gap theory, ruin-reconstruction theories, and theistic evolution?  What does it mean to be created in the image of god?  What about races of people, one or many?  Was the flood of Noah local or global? How could Noah fit all the animals on the ark?  Join us in this dynamic course and come away with a real appreciation for the truth of Genesis and biblical authority.

Facilitated by Fred Shokes and Mark Forester. Room #206